Weight Ticker

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hello World

So. I decided to start blogging. Sounds like an easy decision to make but I've been sitting at my computer procrastinating for the last 2 hours about writing my first post.

I'm overweight.
I've been overweight for most of my life. I've always struggled with it but the last few years I just let go. I met a wonderful man and we enjoyed ourselves. A little too much. So here I am, 33 and weighing in at a horrifying 140kgs. I was shocked when I saw those numbers on my doctor's scales. How did that happen? I hadn't weighed myself in a couple of years and the last time I had (at the gym - it was compulsory) the number had been about 20 kilos less.

It was obvious I'd put on weight though. My already big girl's clothes had started to get a bit tighter. I'd started to avoid looking at myself in the mirror. Avoided being in photos. If I was in a photo I didn't want to look at it so as to avoid seeing my double chins.
I no longer feel sexy. My partner loves me just the way I am but I'm sick of myself. Sick of worrying about being able to fit in restaurant, theatre or airplane seats. Sick of buying "plus size" clothes. Sick of swollen ankles. Sick of so many things.

So I decided to do something about it. I decided to do something drastic. I pretty much need to lose about half of me! Around 70 kilos. Although I'd be happy with 50-60. I went along to an information seminar about gastric banding. I thought about it for a couple of months (more procrastination) and decided to go ahead with it. The last couple of months I've had meetings with a surgeon, specialist, psychiatrist and dietitian and I'm all booked in for surgery on 4th March 09.

My aim of this blog is to share my thoughts about this process.

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